Adventure, seeing families thrive, and creating beautiful, everlasting memories with your kiddos all resides at the core of GoBe Kids. It makes our hearts sing to see families connect and bond while experiencing new, worthwhile experiences together. That said, we are beyond excited to feature Lindsay Ridenour and Sarah Driggs of Compass + Twine for our latest GoBe Moms Highlight!
With respective backgrounds in media and finance, Lindsay and Sarah embraced their passion for travel by transforming it into a social platform focused on sharing luxury, family-friendly experiences and travel destinations around the world. As moms to two kids each, both of these travel extraordinaires strive to help families everywhere feel more confident about traveling with kiddos. Their commitment to inspiring families to enjoy all of the adventure that life has to offer is truly remarkable and will continue to cultivate gorgeous memories for years to come (trust us, their Instagram says it all!).
Keep reading to learn more about this dynamic duo of luxury travel experts!
We met in New York City, where our husbands worked together. We both had a similar interest in travel and decided to work together to create a platform where we could share places and plan memorable travel experiences. Lindsay has a background in television media and Sarah’s background is in finance. We love working together and especially love that we each have different strengths to bring to the table.
We started on Instagram pretty early in the days of travel influencing and have had to weather the storm of the ever-changing Meta algorithms. We’ve learned to stay within our luxury travel niche and have expanded to include family travel as our own families have grown over the years. We’ve definitely learned that there are a lot of parents out there who want to travel with their kiddos and want to find a good balance of adult experiences, kid experiences, culture, culinary scene, and of course, a nice hotel!
When we started, social media felt like the Wild West. There weren’t any standards for partnership deliverables or rates you should charge for your work-it was all a bit of a guessing game. We believe, as women, we sometimes tend to undervalue ourselves or apologize for asking for what we want. In hindsight, I guess we wish we’d been able to be more confident in what we were offering, creating, and producing and had been more stern on the value of those offerings. It’s all a learning curve though and that’s how life is!
When we started, social media felt like the Wild West. There weren’t any standards for partnership deliverables or rates you should charge for your work-it was all a bit of a guessing game. We believe, as women, we sometimes tend to undervalue ourselves or apologize for asking for what we want. In hindsight, I guess we wish we’d been able to be more confident in what we were offering, creating, and producing and had been more stern on the value of those offerings. It’s all a learning curve though and that’s how life is!

This is a great question and a never-ending battle! I think we both put an emphasis on the basics for our young kids: sleeping and eating. We’ve had great travel experience with our babies and toddlers by bringing important items along, like our blackout Slumberpod for sleep and our GoBe Snack Spinners for a whole array of snack options for them to choose from while traveling. Being prepared for good sleep and eating can make a trip - and all the hiccups that come with it - much more manageable.
We’re definitely part of the mom tribe for each other. Sometimes we just need to laugh about a silly thing our kid said, sometimes we need to vent about a tough stage, or sometimes we just need advice for transitions like potty training, airplane travel, recipes or sleep schedules. While it’s amazing to make new friends through preschool and activities, it’s definitely special to have moms in your tribe that knew you before kids as well-they often know you best!
Kids (and let’s be honest - parents) thrive on routines. We try to ensure there is a predictability to our weekly plans. Of course, sometimes things will come up- a fun play date, not so fun doctor's appointment, or a parent traveling for work- but having a baseline routine helps our kids bend a bit more when spontaneous schedule changes arise. We also love meal planning for the week every Sunday. Not only does it help us save money on groceries, but it also helps eliminate the chaos of having hangry kids and wondering (and sometimes panicking about) “what’s for dinner tonight?!” With our oldest kids getting more interested in cooking, we often involve them in the meal planning process by letting them share ideas for meals based on the ones they love.

Love this - we always read and save what other parents recommend - there’s never enough sharing! We love to travel with our Slumberpod, Hatch sound machine with the changing light color for sleep and wake, silicone placemats for restaurants, KeKe activities bags, the Doona Stroller for infants and Hiccapop inflatable booster car seat for the older kids.
Traveling with kids can be tough but it’s worth it to see the world through their little eyes and hear them ask when we’re going back to a place they loved. Don’t wait until they’re older. Parents deserve to enjoy life, long meals, and new destinations. Our mantra is always “The days are long but the years are short” - and that is never louder in our minds than on that last hour of a long flight. Luckily, even the longest flight will end and by the time you’ve hit the pool/restaurant/hotel room, that long (and perhaps difficult flight) will be a distant memory 😊

Thank you, Lindsay and Sarah, for taking the time to share your incredible story and how you brought Compass + Twine to life (and to parents worldwide!). Traveling with kiddos can be an adventure in itself-and at times, a very difficult one. However, it is important to remember that while there may be minor hiccups and snafus along the way, what matters most is reaching your destination, living in the moment, and celebrating new experiences with those closest to your heart.
Cheers to all the happy travels (and snacks)!
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